Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sweden: Christian art

Sweden issued a set of 5 stamps in 2014 commemorating 1000 years of Christian art. Two copies of each stamp appear in a single strip in a foldable booklet.

The second of the five stamps shows an angel from the 17th century pulpit in Brahekyrkan (Vaxjo Diocese, Smaland) and the 18th centuary organ in Askeryd's Church, also in Smaland.

The Askeryds Church is an ancient facility near Aneby within the state church of Sweden's (broadly Lutheran) Linkoping Diocese. This site (below) gives some general history of the church but includes remarkable details about the organ. Reading a translation of the Swedish gives mixed results: equal measures of clarity and confusion. The church dates from the 13th century. An organ is first mentioned in church records from 1590. An organ of 1 manual by Wistenius was installed in the west gallery in 1760. Pedals were added in 1770. The instrument was relegated to un-use by 1905 in favor of an instrument Zetterquist in one of the transepts. Ultimately the Zetterquist organ was moved to the gallery and the Wistenius organ was placed on the main floor in a transept. Frobenius (Denmark) restored the Wistenius organ 1961-1962. Frobenius does not list the work they did on this organ on their website, presumably because it was restoration work rather than a new instrument.

Zetterquistorgeln från 1906 på orgelläktaren i västra delen av långhuset.  Läktaren flyttades fram isamband med att man flyttade upp orgeln

The Zetterquist organ from 1906 on the organ bar in the western part of the longhouse. The stand was moved forward in connection with moving the organ up

Below are images showing the exterior of the booklet, including some of the descriptive material they provide. Also the interior with its information about the stamp run and the subject.

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